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Rev. Dr. Shodankeh Johnson,
He is the Founder of Every Nation College and the General Overseer of the New Harvest Global Ministry, with the Head Quarters based in Sierra Leone. The College Campus sits on (50) acres of Land, (3) Kilometers South of Bo City in the Republic of Sierra Leone, within a prime Farming area. It’s has a flatland settings, coupled with beautiful mountainous and swampy terrain, which provides a scenic, tranquil and breathtaking environment. For the Interest of foriegners; Bo is Sierra Leone second largest city and one of the
Provincial capitals of the Country, which is situated about (370) Kilometers from the Country’s Political Administration and Capital City, Freetown.

The Vision of the College is to equip students in becoming an effective and efficient professionals, highly dependable while upholding standard values that reflect contributions to the communities they serve. The College is currently an affiliate to Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology, in the Northern Region of the Republic of Sierra Leone, West Africa.

The Campus aerial view is a defined location in a prime farming area, with a Flatland setting, coupled with a beautiful mountainous and swampy terrain that provide a scenic, tranquil and breathtaking environment.

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